there she be...my transport to Argentina.
I picked 'er up today from Recyclistas, a wonderful community bike shop & repair joint. I have been to 2 bike workshops there and plan to attend many more to pick up maximum skills before departure in September. I think the bike found me. It was hanging, part-finished, the day I spoke with Ryan, who was helping me fix my old bike, about the trip. He told me he was building this bike and it would be perfect. A great bike but a bit mini for the usual suspects. So I went back a week or so later to take it for a spin and I knew I'd found The Bike. I said so and that I'd be back soon to ride into the sunset with my new appendage.
I rode the whole way home today with a shit-eating grin on my face. A few people looked at me funny but most smiled back, shit-eating grins are incredibly contagious.