I'm Marla, I live in Victoria, BC. I heard about this trip last fall and got on the bike seat around Christmas time. The project is in my thoughts 75-80% of the time, including while sleeping. I like cooking, eating, talking about food, sunshine, laughing, swimming and yoga. I also enjoy the occasional beer and finding excuses to wear costumes. Especially while bowling or dancing. I believe clean air is good for everyone and knowing where my food comes
from is important.
Chelsea here. I live and go to school in Vancouver.
I like to ride my bike, especially with others and for a cause I deem fit. ..and what better a purpose than promoting local food, community living, global awareness, de-motorizing your soul etc.. This certainly is more than a ' self-indulgent western middle class romp!'
This is only the tip of the iceberg folks. Stay posted for further developments..
ps. We're all ears to any advice... or jokes.